hemp fiber textileTextiles produced with the promise of innovation, performance, quality, and sustainability from the ground up. Our selection includes homegrown hemp and organic cotton, tencel, recycled polyester and much more. We aim to create biodegradable, closed loop, and pesticide free products. We call it conscience without compromise.

hemp textiles

01  Soft and comfortable

Hemp fiber is one of the most Fine and soft fibers. Hemp fiber  fineness is only one third of ramie, which is equivalent to cotton fiber. So don’t need special treatment that can avoid other hemp textiles tingling and having a rough feeling.

hemp for textiles

02  Breathe fabric

The cracks distributed on the surface of hemp fiber are connected with small holes, which makes it excellent in moisture absorption and sweat discharge. It is estimated that wearing hemp fabric, compared with cotton fabric, can reduce the body temperature by about 5 ℃.

growing hemp for textiles

03  Adsorption of carbon dioxide

Planting hemp contributes greatly to the balance of CO2 content in the atmosphere. According to the French test method, one hectare of hemp can sequester and store 20 tons of CO2 in the cellulose carbon and another 500 kg of CO2 in the soil within one hundred days growth cycle.

hemp textile companies

04  Adsorbed heavy metal

Studies show that hemp has a good tolerance to heavy metal cadmium. In addition, hemp plant cells have the ability to avoid damage by heavy metal ions, which selectively concentrate in the roots of plants. Therefore, Chinese hemp is an excellent natural heavy metal adsorbent, which has an effective cleaning effect on water and soil.